

Ex-Destiny Childress Kelly Rowland is re-releasing her sophomore effort, renamed "Ms Kelly: Diva Deluxe Edition." which will be available digitally beginning March 25 BUT you can cop it on itunes NOW!
In an exclusive Interview with RapUp she discusses her rumored Playboy spread, her new album, the reason behind her digital release and fellow ex-ers Beyawn yawn & 'Chelly. Here's a little of the interview:

What can people expect from the
Ms. Kelly re-release?

The re-release definitely has more to offer as far as new material is concerned. Basically, I did remixes of some of the records on the album that I absolutely love that no one’s gotten a chance to hear yet. I have more on there for my fans.

Why the title Diva Deluxe?

I felt like there was so much more to offer on this record as far as different sounds are concerned. I did dance mixes. I did songs on the album that the fans will probably never expect, so I had to put that diva stank on there.

Would you consider yourself a diva?

A good diva [laughs]! There are many different types of divas, so I’m the good diva.


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